Images as ambassadors

Courageous photographers and journalists show beautiful things every day, as well as cruel, disturbing and alarming events. In this world, a lot of things are in a mess. Hatred, disrespect for life, religious fanaticism lead to wars, to poverty, to environmental destruction and thus to suffering and misery. Images can change the world through their impact and the message they send, without the need for words. As an internationally operating art trading company, we feel an obligation to point out deficiencies and thus support the mission of many photographers. In the same way, however, we also want to address the beautiful things in this world that photographs give to us.

Vermutlich hat Henry Cavendish 1766 die überragende Tragweite seiner Entdeckung nicht ansatzweise voraussehen können. Er mischte Säuren und Metalle und sah Gasbläschen aufsteigen. Was er noch entdeckte: Dieses aufgefangene Gas… Read more »

UN Goal Nr 5 is the actual experienced equality of men and women in shaping their lives. This is an ambitious goal, as the 2020 Annual Report states, "Women are more likely Read more »

In the movie Blondes Preferred, Marilyn Monroe sings Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend. At first glance, diamonds look inconspicuous. In India, they have been Read more »

"Why is it so easy to give weapons, but so difficult to give books? Why is it so easy to build tanks, but so difficult to build schools?" Malala Yousafzai... Read more »

There is access to good health care in only a few countries in the world. Due to the lack of social systems, the level of care is extremely dependent on the wealth of individuals. This... Read more »

Over a million years ago, humans were first shown to have actively used fire With the fire, the simpler preparation of meat began, which heating made more sterile, more digestible... Read more »

When the Mexican-American War ended in 1848 and Mexico lost large parts of the country by treaty, the Rio Bravo was the new border. The United States now had large part... Read more »

UN Goal Nr. 5 was created because for centuries men and women had completely different rights. Men often ruled over women until today. But the sexes are equal in everything, at least in terms of the values... Read more »

According to the UN, walking for hours to fetch clean and fresh drinking water, buy necessary groceries or make an urgent visit to the hospital is often still a constant challenge in rural areas of... Read more »

"Species extinction in the ocean is going on in secret for most people," says biologist Ulrich Karlowski. He works intensively on underwater problems at the German Foundation... Read more »

Being treated unequally means being in a worse or better position because of differences in origin, skin color and/or gender. Inequalities start in the mind and can only be overcome by people... Read more »

Yuri Gagarin was the first person in space. After his first space flight in 1961 he stated: “I circled the earth in the spaceship and saw how beautiful our planet is. ... Read more »

About 3.1 million children under the age of 5 starved, died from lack of food. That is around 8,500 children under the age of five a child every day or about every ten seconds (UNICEF ... Read more »

A saying is permanently associated with the building of the wall and the division of Germany. It's as legendary as it is bold. Almost everyone knows him: "Nobody has any intention of building a wall!" ... Read more »